Nulla aesthetica sine ethica. Nulla ethica sine aesthetica.
"Cuando desespero, recuerdo que, a lo largo de la historia, siempre han triunfado la verdad y el amor. Ha habido tiranos y asesinos que durante un momento pueden parecer invencibles, pero, al final, siempre caen. Tenedlo presente. Siempre." Mahatma Gandhi.
"Hay que luchar contra la desgracia con la misma rabia que ella hasta cansarla." Louis-Ferdinand Céline.
"Que tu fragilidad sea tu fuerza." Pina Bausch.
"Escribir un poema es reparar la herida fundamental, la desgarradura, porque todos estamos heridos." Alejandra Pizarnik

Friday 12 April 2013

By Anne Muszynsky - Helsinki. Celebration: Post on my blog number 100!

Anne Muszynski

Hello Luka!

Thank you for the postcard! I thought about the different images
within the card and inspired me to consider Suomenlinna and the
Kasvitieteellinen puutarha as locations, but the pull towards the
garden landscape was stronger. I loved how the tree in the center was
really alive, and made me think of our natural environment. Since
natural habitats and especially tropical forests are quickly
diminishing, it's vital that we take care of it, so that all that's
left of our natural resources doesn't end up as a rarity, living only
in glass houses..

I attached the photograph to the e-mail, hopefully you will be able to
download it! Feel free to exhibit the photo with my whole name (Anne
Have a nice weekend, and all the best with preparing the exhibits!


Thank you very much Anne! I love your photo and how do you explain why you have chosen that location. Luka



I'm glad you liked it! :) Feel free to post the text as well if you like, the idea actually came while explaining why I felt so drawn to Kasvitieteellinen puutarha as a location, while at first I was just thinking of a place which looked the most like the illustration.. I also made a blog posting of three of the photographs I considered, though in the end I like the one I sent to you the best! (

Have a nice evening, and see you then at the exhibition in May! Looking forward!

All the best,



I think it is worth to link your blog to mine! :) I have checked it and I really like it!:). I am glad to celebrate with you my post 100!. Luka

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful picture and comments.
Congratulations to both of you.

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