Nulla aesthetica sine ethica. Nulla ethica sine aesthetica.
"Cuando desespero, recuerdo que, a lo largo de la historia, siempre han triunfado la verdad y el amor. Ha habido tiranos y asesinos que durante un momento pueden parecer invencibles, pero, al final, siempre caen. Tenedlo presente. Siempre." Mahatma Gandhi.
"Hay que luchar contra la desgracia con la misma rabia que ella hasta cansarla." Louis-Ferdinand Céline.
"Que tu fragilidad sea tu fuerza." Pina Bausch.
"Escribir un poema es reparar la herida fundamental, la desgarradura, porque todos estamos heridos." Alejandra Pizarnik

Monday 4 March 2013

By Polly Balitro - Helsinki

Polly Balitro

Here is my photograph of your postcard: it was taken in a birch forest just outside Helsinki.

Good luck with the project, I hope it gets a lot of attention!

best wishes :-)



Unknown said...

You are just an amazing photographer Polly! Nature and the birds are inside you :)

Polly Balitro said...

thank you so much for your kind words! I'm glad I've decided to take part in this project!

Anonymous said...

Very nice picture!! I like it!!

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